Israel is accused of using chemical weapons by Belgian professor
"The bodies don't look like they normally do. After an explosion there were no traces of blood loss or subcutaneous haemorrhages [bruises],"
"The hair and sometimes the beard and the moustache remained intact. I found no traces of the pressure wave by the explosion. The colour of the skin was black like a shoe, but the skin was not carbonised or burnt."
Eight mummy-like bodies were taken to the hospital on Monday and photos taken of the corpses. Two children's bodies showed no indication of wounds resulting from an explosion.
A heart specialist, Mohammad Farran, said letters had been sent to the UN and the EU drawing their attention to the alleged use of chemical weapons by Israel in Lebanon.
The pictures here are from Blogger Letters Apart where more information is available.
The gruesome results of whatever weapon are sufficently sickening, but the claims should be examined, promptly and by suitable qualified people - if only to discount the stories as fabrications.
More information and links at Cannonfire
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